Bellefontaine PrideFest

Bellefontaine Pride 130 S. Main St., Bellefontaine, OH

Bringing Back the 90s!  Enjoy a parade through downtown, vendors, music, a pie-eating contest, retro line dancing, ’90s best-dressed contest, ’90s dance party, and more! 

Worthington Pride

Worthington Historic District Worthington, OH 43085 

Hillsboro Pride

Hillsboro Pride 201 Diamond Dr., Hillsboro, OH, United States

Enjoy food trucks, entertainment, special guests, interactive activities, and vendors! 

Reynoldsburg Pride

Huber Park 1640 Davidson Dr., Reynoldsburg, Oh

Featuring music, food trucks, arts & crafts vendors, community groups, and a pet parade! 

Westerville Pride

Westerville Queer Collective’s 4th Annual Pride Fest features vendors, drag performers, dancers, a DJ, and more!  In the Parking Lot at North State St. and East Home St. in Westerville, […]

Yellow Springs Pride Festival

Get ready for the party of the year! Events include a parade, vendors, music, entertainment, and more! 

First Capital Pride Festival

Yoctangee Park

Entertainment, guest speakers, 50 vendors, and food trucks!   Downtown Chillicothe, OH 45601 

Newark Pride Fest

Canal Market District 36 Canal St., newark, Ohio